Wednesday 24 September 2014

Wonder what my dad did..

I always wonder what my dad was like when i was an infant. Did he rock me to sleep and sing lullaby or did i ever pee on him. Our relationship over years have grown more distance, as he isolate himself from the family for various reasons.

Much of what i remember from the past was he will play ball or cpu games with me and everytime i need someone to sign my report card for a terrible semester, i look for him. Things get forgotten easily with time.

So for the benefit of ethan, daddy did these:

1) You havent pee or shit significant amount on me on the occassions i change you. I am usually very cautious :). Changing you less as you grow as your mum worries about your nappy rash.

2) Bath you every evening. You always love the water, but is getting more figidity after the 7mth. You automatically open your mouth with a smile when i say "ahh", for me to clean that area.

3) bring you to and from the childcare every weekday. Mummy will feed you and put you to slp while i wash your bottles, keep the laundry and prepare dinner. Sometimes i come in to distract you when u figid while getting changed. Today you look hypnotized when i wave my hand over your face and ask u to slp.

4) massage you before your slp. Keep you calm during the massage and 5 sec thereafter.

5) Mummy slp with you, in a seperate room from me. Usually my ear filter out your cries and i am oblivious to what happen. But the occassion when i hear u, make me jump out of bed and will try to rock you back to slp. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt ( as your mum says it, you dont like me. But i always tell myself not to fear your cry. Not easy i tell u, with your volume).

6) feed you. Although you are a tiny little being, you like being am adult. So weening you seems much easier (so far you eat almost everything, albeit with a face of disgust when u dont like the taste) than bottle feeding. Now as you learn how to flip and turn, you have many patterns of drinking. And after 10mins, u could drink only 10ml. Tell me what are u thinking!?!?! Latching u initially was difficult for mummy as well.

7) i am always lazy to do the housework, but make it a point to vacuum and mop the floor at least once a week since u like walking and bitting on everything u pick up from the floor. You always get a shock when i turn on the vacuum cleaner and wonder what i am doing while mummy plays with u.

8) play with u. And you like it rough. But is is really fun. You are always smiling when there's attention and now you can create ur own peek a boo scenarios.

9) bringing you to the doctor. U get sick easily since going into infantcare. TCM seems to work better on u than western medicine, but u absolute hate the tui na. We got to choose a good time to bring u in so you can last a little longer there.

10) registered your birth cert and opened a bank account. The government has given you $12k in your CDA account, and my aim is to use it only for your primary school education onwards. You also have a personal account and i hope i can teach you about managing your finance one day. Very important to start young.

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